many years ago, my healer told me that if she could only have ONE book in her spiritual library, it would be 'the power of now' by eckart tolle. she believed that if you could practice what was talked about in his book, you would experience who we really are....our true essence. our awakening would lead to our spiritual enlightenment. of course i immediately bought it and tried to dive in. but i'll admit, the book was really hard to comprehend and digest. really heavy deep thinking reading. a lot to digest and process. i never did more then skim paragraphs and jump around the chapters in the book.
that was three years ago.
since then, i have still been on a quest for spiritual growth and awareness. and my road to enlightenment has expanded in miraculous ways. i picked up 'a new earth' with a fresh mind and was eager to see what this book was all about.
i found 'a new earth' much easier to read than the 'power of now.' it requires thinking and processing, but i think the time was right for me to read this book. everything i read applied to my life. it gave me understanding and awareness to what i was creating and the dysfunction of my mind. i have already noticed a shift in my awareness. especially on how the ego has such a grip on us all. i am grateful that i am taking the time to further my awareness of the suffering that i create for myself. and that in every moment it just takes a shift in my perception to bring peace into my life. i understand who i really am and i want to expand that. i am finding more time and space to listen to my inner wisdom. and i am grateful for each breath. life is full of beauty, wonder and awe. that's what i want to be in touch with everyday.
a way to practice tapping into the depth and mystery that lies within all of us....

this was from the online workbook (question number four.)
spend some time in the presence of something you consider beautiful—a flower, a gem, a piece of artwork, etc. as you look at the object, try to see it without naming it mentally. when we appreciate beauty in this manner, a window opens into the formless, and into a state of gratitude. see if you can experience that. write your experiences here.
i wrote...
i started to appreciate it, notice it, all of it. it's cracks it's markings. then i started to see it's depth, it's layers. i held it to the light and inside i could see the universe. pools of colors that you could not see from the outside. it glowed. it had markings and expansion and growth. the depth kept growing. i could see what made this stone up. and it was all beautiful.
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