Hilary and I went the open house for the International Center of Photography last night. Just to check it out and see what it was all about.
We got a tour of the school and were a able to check out all the resources they have available for students. Computers, printers, darkrooms, labs, classrooms, library. Quite impressive for a one building school. They had the latest of everything and over 17,000 books all on photography in their library.
We also interacted with some of the faculty and watched a slide show presentation of photos from past and current students. All of which was very impressive and inspiring!
The crazy part was that I knew one of the students that they featured in the slide show. They showed her photos of a project she did in Africa, but they also mentioned the other project she had done about a family going through divorce. I baby-sat for that family and I watched her create that project and was even in a few of her final shots since I was a huge part of the childrens lives at that place and time. It was a fun coincidence!
The other cool part was Michael Richards aka Kramer from Seinfeld showed up for the open house! I was beside myself! He's so tall and sticks out just like you think he would. I'm such a sucker for celebrities! I really wanted to ask him if he would take a picture with me, but I chickened out. For the most part, I have always respected famous people in NYC. This is their home and they deserve their space. But man, do I wish I had jumped in there and asked for a snapshot! He took a tour along with us and sat through the slide show and even cracked a few jokes during a discussion of some of the photos. I guess he had to make it known that a comedian was in the room. ;) I also sat two rows in front of him and noticed him taking shots of the slideshow with his iphone. I wonder where his interest lies with photography?!?
Well, if I sign up for a class, maybe we will be bumping into each other in the darkroom. :)

I shot these photos after we left the ICP open house. This area near Bryant Park is exploding! These buildings were not there two years ago. NYC's landscape is constantly transforming! It always still amazes me!
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