wow. i made it. a full year of self-portraits.
oh my. i had no idea what i was getting myself into. ;)
but i’m thankful for the journey none the less. that's for sure!
looking through all of my shots from this past year, i can definitely tell that i have grown as a photographer. picking up the camera everyday forces you to get creative (unless you want all your shots to look the same- BORING!) and figure out how to use your camera in new and interesting ways! i have fully pushed my sweet canon point-and-shoot as far as it can be pushed. it's time to get my hands on a DSLR!
as i got deeper into the project i started to alter my shots slightly using iphoto. but most of my shots are straight out of the camera. i'm not a photoshop wizard, nor do i aspire to be one. i don't even know how to use the beast. instead my focus was about making the shot right before i clicked. it also meant taking a lot of shots until i got what i wanted. i also relied heavily upon natural or found light, no studio equipment here. not even a tripod. i borrowed a friend’s gorillapod for a few shots, but other than that, i used things around me to steady or hold my camera while I stepped in front of the lens.
as i grew more confident as a photographer, all sorts of opportunities started to come my way, including two art shows in nyc! showing and selling my art in nyc is a dream come true! i am very grateful for all the people who have been there for me and have supported me along my journey. thank you thank you thank you!!! and a special thank you to ms. contini. if it weren’t for her, i wouldn't be showing my artwork in nyc! thank you, my dear!
and of course, how could I not mention ALL OF YOU!
through the year i made many more flickr contacts and even met several flickrites in person! thanks to flickr, i have been able to connect with other photographers from all over the world who have inspired me and taught me something new! THANK YOU!
and a big huge THANK YOU plus many many thanks to all of you out there who have followed this experience of mine and have left comments and favorites! i appreciate all your kind words and encouragement! thank you for all the love and support! thank you.
and a special thank you to hilary mchone, the woman who inspired me to do the project. if it wasn’t for her brilliant, witty, fresh, funny, original and creative
365 set (that i randomly found on flickr through another contact) i might not have taken the plunge. thanks for your wonderful friendship hilabean!
....so I guess that’s a wrap folks! i feel like i've just given birth and it's time to set my baby free! the reality tv plug has been pulled!
although, i will have a day 366…since leap day decided to squeak in my year cycle just before I finished. :)
and just in case you were wondering…the answer is no. no ‘year two’ for me. of course random self-portraits will pop up on my stream from time to time, but at least i won't be chained to it! ha!
this is what’s up next for me:
a canon EOS 450!!!
more art shows in nyc and brooklyn!
selling prints at my
etsy store!marketing my freelance services
here!adding to my photo portfolio
here!and blogging my journey