Something interesting happened to me in the past 24 hours.
And I want to blame it on three factors.
The full moon, my concentration on photography for the past 31 days, and the fact that my Palm Pilot crashed and I lost EVERYTHING! Yeah, everything! Talk about spring cleaning! I had stuff in there that I should have let go of a long time ago.
But after my day today, it wasn't so hard to forget about!
This is where the real magic starts. The park we never go to, except for today.
This is where I ran into a mom that I work out with and book an appointment with her to do a photoshoot of her and her two kids. Awesome.
I meet the dad of this little boy pictured here on the right (Orion is on the left) who just so happens to be a nyc fashion photographer. We have a nice chat and exchange numbers. It's always good to connect with other photographers.
And what a great example of the Law of Attraction at work. Like energy vibrates to like energy! I meet photographers on the street ALL the time! I must be oozing photography. HA!
On the way home for lunch, I snap this picture of a building under construction in Battery Park City. The growth here is staggering!
It never seizes to amaze me how fast these buildings go up. And how much it sucks that the park is in it's shadow now.....
While I was busy with lunch, I get a phone call from a company that is interested in talking more with me about doing a food photoshoot for one of their clients! An all day paid gig! Who me? Yes, please.
After lunch, I am back outside with the kids at Penny Park while waiting for gardening class.
While I am returning this woman's phone call the photographer dad who I had met that morning strolls by with his son. We both wave as he passes by. Funny running into you again....
While the kids play, I notice this bee just sitting there in the sun next to the park bench I was sitting on.....
After work, I decide that it would be a great idea to walk home over the Brooklyn Bridge. I meet up with my super favorite gal pal, Niki, who joins me on the walk.
While walking home over the Brooklyn Bridge I got these awesome night shots!
Just a single cloud hangin' out!
After having a super fine time with Niki, I get home to be greeted by new comments on my flickr! Who doesn't love that?!
One of my photographs had WON a category in the Photogamer Challenge! Whoopee!
I celebrate my super awesome scrumdelicious day by having a late night drink at my local wine bar, Bocco Lupo, with my favorite photo friend, Mike Oliver. Mike was by my side all day cheering on my photography victories! He is a photo genius! Make sure you check out his work!
What a way to start my mini-vacation. I have the next 5 days off! Oh, yeah.
You had one hell of a day... how did today shape up?
Thanks for the plug (though I shudder to hear the word genius used any where near my name - no matter how liberally you use the word ;-)
you are the best, mike! i thank you dearly for all your help! let me give you a little credit! i'm lucky to have you in my life! =)
today was more about slowing down and reflecting on it all...
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