I paid two kids that were playing ball on my block $6 bucks
(all that I had left in my wallet) to carry this dresser up one floor to my apartment. They were happy to complete the job. The Ikea lamp was found on my block as well.
This storage unit was left right in front of my building. It must have been my neighbors.
This small file cabinet was in the recycle room at that building I work in. It cost me $8 bucks to bring it home in a taxi.
I made this magnet out of an image I found in Time Out magazine.
This 50's vintage style kitchen chair is my favorite! It may even be an antique! I love the orange plastic/vinyl material used to cover the chair. I found it on my old block in the Lower East Side.
It love the studs and rich texture!
This step stool reminds me of my Aunt's house on the farm. It's been spray painted black and then I used it to paint my room white so it's not in it's original form, but I like it that way. It definitly have a retro feel to it. I found it right around the block from my old apartment in the LES.
View of the top of the stool.
The rubber steps.
I found this lamp on Hicks and carried it 10 blocks home without knowing if it was going to work or not. It was a suspenseful journey. I was happy to find out that it worked and even had a working light bulb in it!
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