thursday, august 14, 2008.
i've been living the transient lifestyle in nyc for over 6 years....
in may of this year i decided after witnessing my brother's home search here in iowa (his budget was $125, 000-135,000) that i was really getting sick of chasing my tail in nyc and having nothing to show for it!
approaching 33...my priorities have changed. i want space, nature, to be closer to my family, to have my own place for the first time...to feel fully expressed! i know i DON'T want to raise kids in the city...and someday soon i would like to find that magical someone who will want to have children with me and be a loving nurturing supportive force in my life. not too much to ask for, i think.
so i made the decision to return HOME. i never thought i would say it, but my frequent visits back home during times of the year other than winter (xmas time)...really helped me shift my perspective on what IOWA has to offer. sure...there aren't as many opportunities here as in NYC...BUT...i know i will be healthier here, more sane and be able to take care of my self in ways that i was limited by in NYC.
i'll be here for a nice visit till the 25th...then i head back to brooklyn for one more month before i officlally trek cross country with my dad and a mini van full of my stuff on september 29th.
so here's my way of documenting my journey home. this is not 365 round two...this is my own spin off....
for the next year i will document, record, discover and explore my journey home...back to my roots....self recorded.
Yeah Julie! Looking forward to it.
thanks jessica! i'm already behind on posting them here. you can always check them out on my flickr as well...
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